We encourage you to submit your stories, quotes, flyers, articles, photos, videos, etc - past or present - (Magic Tramps or otherwise) to add to our site. If you'd like to make your mark on our website, or have comments, questions, or suggestions, please use the email address below!


Website Related Contact

Thank you for your support and participation of the Magic Tramps website! Any submissions (selected) will be added to the site during the next scheduled update.

For business inquiries, new music or video projects, or any other artistic endeavors, please contact:

Moonlight Dust Inc.
Moonlight Dust Music
at the email address below:

“Magic Tramps,” the “Magic Tramps” logo and “Moonlight Dust" {Music}  - are all trademarks owned by Moonlight Dust, Inc. All audio, video, photos, quotes, print material, and likeness are not to be reproduced without authorization by the author.
If we have missed a copyright or credit please let us know.
"Max's Kansas City" is a registered trademark. All rights reserved by Yvonne Sewall-Ruskin

Special thanks all to the photographers - Jack Mitchell, Anton Perich, Joanne Russo,
Billy Name, Craig Highberger, Allan Tannenbaum, and others who contributed to the viewing of a
time piece and music history through this site.